In Christ we are a family together loving our neighbors near and far advancing the message of the Savior for the glory
Welcome to Green Pines Baptist Church!
We are so glad you are here!
Please play the video for a message from
Pastor Jarrod Scott.
A little bit about Green Pines Baptist Church.
We lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ by:

Valuing the Bible
Our primary and highest source of authority as Christians and as a church. This is how we know God and His plan for our world and our lives.

Valuing Love
Our primary posture toward God and other people. We are created to love God above all else and to demonstrate and proclaim His love to others.

Valuing Family
Our primary identity as a church. We are brothers and sisters in Christ committed to being a unified, diverse and multi-generational group of people.

Valuing Blessing
Our primary action toward our neighbors. We strive to be generous, serving, and hospitable toward all of our neighbors, committed to their flourishing and joy.

Valuing the Gospel
Our primary message to all. We unashamedly tell all who will listen that Jesus is good news! By trusting in Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, reconciliation with God, forgiveness of sin and eternal life is guaranteed.

Valuing God's Glory
The primary purpose of all things. We believe that the true meaning of life is to bring glory to God. It is why we and this world exist.

9:00 am – 9:45 am
Sunday School
10:00am – 11:15am
Worship Service
5:15pm – 6:00pm
Food Pantry
5:45pm – 6:15pm
          Fellowship Supper          (1st Wednesday of the month)
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Childcare (Babies-Kindergarten)
Activities for Children (1st – 5th grade)
Bible Study for Youth (6th – 12th grade)
   Spiritual Disciplines (Adults)

If you would like us to pray for you or a loved one, send us your prayer request.

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